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Meet Your Host


 My name is Annie and  I started this podcast to share stories that I have read and loved to help you relax and fall asleep.

I love listening to sleepy podcasts myself and thought this is something I would really like to try.  

As it turns out I just absolutely love creating this podcast and sharing stories with you all.

 Reading to you every week and knowing I can bring a good story with a little relaxation and hopefully some sleep makes me smile.

Where am I from?

Australia, on the NSW South Coast






I also have a co-host Amon, (my husband) who will read to you occasionally. Amon is a fan of Sherlock Holmes in particular and reads quite a few Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Thank you for listening and Sweet Dreams 


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The Quiet Corner Bedtime Stories logo was designed by Rose Bernie. She also designs some of the episode cover art.

Rose takes commisions and is a qualified Graphic Designer (and my daughter!) You can visit her Instagram page at

Most of the episode cover art is created by KimarZuru, who happens to be my son!

I love that my whole family contributes to The Quiet Corner.

He also takes commisions and can be contacted through his website.

All stories on The Quiet Corner are from the public domain

Music from The Quiet Corner is from Pixabay & Uppbeat

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